National Bank of Canada
CASL Management Microsite

From 2013 to 2018

Project Description

I developed a comprehensive 360-degree solution for the National Bank of Canada for mass emailing, including the central CASL database and all necessary components. The bank required a fully compliant system with the Canadian Anti-Spam Legislation (CASL) to ensure their communications met all legal requirements.

This platform, integrated with the CASL system developed by us, provided Investment Advisors with the tools needed to create, manage, and send newsletters while adhering to CASL standards.

  • CASL system connection and validation
  • Newsletter subscription forms
  • Content editor with built-in templates
  • List management and segmentation
  • Advanced reporting
  • Approval system with compliance officer oversight
  • Central CASL database for all NBC partners
  • Profile Manager and consent management system

Production Highlights

  • Delivered under tight deadlines due to the implementation of law c28.
  • Developed UI/UX with consideration for outdated employee workstations.
  • Navigated significant security constraints related to domain usage and information exchange.
  • Ensured compliance with PCI security levels and other certifications.


html5 css bootstrap jquery jqueryui jquery-mobile perl tinymce datatables splash phantomjs postfix jquery-mobile perl tinymce datatables sparkpost postgresql haproxy memcached svn linux ubuntu projeqtor apache
and other proprietary technologies