Tanguay Furniture - The Smart Flyer

From 2011 to 2015

Project Description

The company developed the Predictive eFlyer system for Tanguay, designed to enhance customer engagement through personalized marketing. This powerful system collects nominal and behavioral data—such as clicks, weblogs, POS data, and CRM information—for each customer. Using predictive models, the system generates a score for each customer, with every action they take influencing their score and modifying their personalized offers in real time.

  • Web flyer integration
  • Email flyer distribution
  • Personalized flyer management system
  • Live connection with inventory and POS systems


html5 css bootstrap jquery jqueryui jquery-mobile perl tinymce datatables mysql phpmyadmin postgresql svn linux apache

eFyerMaker, MatcherAnalytics and other proprietary technologies