Fido Rewards Event

February 2012

In the Fido Rewards Event project, I coordinated the work of four programmers, managing the production timeline alongside the project manager and account director. My responsibilities included programming the front-end game in JavaScript while the team focused on the complex e-commerce workflow.

Production Highlights

  • Experimented with CSS "3D transforms" for the first time, simulating page changes to create a more engaging user experience.
  • Achieved a speed effect by combining 3D rotation with opacity changes, masking any visual faults through the rapid animation.
  • Optimized the game for mobile play, though sound was disabled due to the limited audio support on iPhones at the time.
  • Enhanced the game’s dynamism with six light flashing effects (Blinking, Following, Crossing, Pair Blinking, Rotating, Chasing) during idle states, keeping the visual engagement high.
  • Navigated the complexity of overlaying sprites in a 3D visual environment, carefully optimizing sprite sizes to ensure smooth animations and prevent jerky motion.


html5 css jquery jqueryui soundmanager modernizr perl dancer postgresql postfix apache linux ubuntu nginx
and other proprietary technologies